Sadist - Season In Silence (2010)
| 18.04.2010, 13:29 |
01. Aput 02:10 02. Broken and Reborn 04:06 03. Season in Silence 05:02 04. The Attic and the World of Emotions 04:26 05. Evil Birds 03:23 06. Ogron 03:03 07. Night Owl 04:03 08. Snowman 04:19 09. Bloody Cold Winter 03:26 10. The Abyss 04:13 11. Frozen Hands 05:31 12. Hiberna 02:52
Категория: Metal | Добавил: Drugger
| Скачать (85 mb)
| Теги: Technical, Progressive, Death Metal
Просмотров: 342 | Скачиваний: 166
| Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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